Here's a selection from Rodica's review for PAP.
"These glyph compositions seem to settle into a puzzle that tries to reconstruct an original moment in the history of writing…Reminiscent of an artistic subconscious, Tim Gaze’s glyphs recover the process through which the direct observation of the real world enters a process of abstraction which plays a decisive role both in visualisation and in the verbalisation of thought…Tim Gaze’s glyph compositions illustrate two universes, which I would call the universe of black on white and the universe of white on black."
From a review of Glyphs of Uncertain Meaning published in:
Philobiblon: Transylvanian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research in Humanities
Vol. XXVII (2022), nr. 1
Click on the following link to read the full review: sites/default/files/public/ imce/doc/2022-nr1/philobiblon_ 2022_27_1_11_0.pdf